Poker Run Pickwick Tn 2019
Based on a 5 year average and a race date of October 8th, Pickwick Dam, TN can expect temperatures between 63℉ and 79℉ with humidity around 79% and precipitation of 0.47'. Last year the weather condition was Patchy rain possible.
- The Keg County Poker Run is a motorcycle event located in Hickman County, Tennessee. Hickman County is also known as Keg County because of its moonshine history. The poker run is sponsored by The Hickman County Chamber of Commerce.
- The Poker Run will be based on Five Card game, nothing wild, with the opportunity to have a one-time, one-card draw at the end of the ride for an additional $5.00 fee or an additional toy donation. In the event of a tied hand(s), there will be a one-card deal until the best hand wins. Winnings: Best Hand $100.00 Second Best Hand Moto Gift worth.
September 7, 2019 @ 9:00 am - September 8, 2019 @ 12:00 am
Don’t Miss The Most Popular Event on Lake Cumberland – Lake Cumberland Poker Run happens SEPTEMBER 6-8, 2019!
Combining the raw fury of over 150 of the country’s meanest & fastest powerboats with the fun & energy of Mardi Gras, this year’s Poker Run is sure to be the best one yet! Famous as one of the largest and most popular Poker Run, the Lake Cumberland Poker Run is definitely one of the most exciting events of the year! Be sure to secure your lodging in advance! A full list of Lake Cumberland cabins, hotels & lakeside accommodations can be found at
We want to make this poker run not only the best ever, but also the best in the USA! But we can’t do it without you. We guarantee you’ll be talking about this one for a long time! Click the links below for lots more info! This year we’ll have more boats, more sponsors and more fun! The only thing missing is you! All times are Central Time. For additional information, call the Lake Cumberland State Dock at 270-343-2525.
Friday Night:
The party begins! We will have live entertainment on Friday starting at 8 pm – 12 am.
Can’t forget the hydrolift has been converted to a dance floor in addition to the Party Barges.
9:00 AM Drivers Meeting. Attendance is mandatory for all drivers participating in the Poker Run. You get the 1st Card at the Drivers Meeting.
10:00 AM Lake Cumberland Poker Run. *Watch for details regarding the 2019 Poker Run Course!
After Lunch boats leave at their leisure (no organized start)
6:30 PM Cards must be turned in at State Dock
Saturday Night Entertainment:
8:00 pm a live performer at State Dock
The dance floor will also be in full swing!

Where do I Park my boat at State Dock? – The 2 rows normally used for the rental houseboats are not available for public parking. The first row is being utilized as Boatel Row and will have over 40 houseboats (boatels) for the Poker Run participants. The other row is reserved for boats entered in the Poker Run only. You must have a Poker Run Decal on the boat to park on this row. This will be strictly enforced. The other common areas of state dock are available for parking. Along the walk ways, etc. Fuel piers should be kept clear except after the ships store closes and we stop selling fuel. Late at night you can park there. NO SMOKING ON THE FUEL PIERS
What does it cost? – There is no charge to visit the docks and check out all of the incredible boats. Beginning at 6:00 PM a wrist band will be required to enter the boatel and entertainment areas. Wrist bands for both nights entertainment are $30 or $20 for one night.
Water Patrol and Law Enforcement: – The law enforcement agencies are always on high alert for the Poker Run. They will be patrolling the harbor on Friday and Saturday nights and normally have patrols and road blocks on Park Road. If you drink, don’t drive. Also, please keep all drinks in a cup or Coozie. Otherwise, you are drawing attention to yourself and asking for trouble.
Kid Friendly? – You must be 21 or accompanied by a parent to enter the boatel row and entertainment area. The parties and entertainment at night are not an appropriate place for children.
Where Should I go to view the Poker Run? – You can view the Poker Run anywhere between Burnside Marina and Grider Hill Marina. The boats will be east of State Dock between 10:00 and 12:00 and West of Wolf Creek after lunch. PLEASE STAY OUT OF THE MAIN CHANNEL and give the Poker Runners a safe area to run. Also, PLEASE KEEP WAKES TO A MINIMUM when boats are in the area. Big cruiser rollers can be dangerous for the Poker Run boats.

More Information? see
September 7, 2019 @ 9:00 am - September 8, 2019 @ 12:00 am
Don’t Miss The Most Popular Event on Lake Cumberland – Lake Cumberland Poker Run happens SEPTEMBER 6-8, 2019!
Combining the raw fury of over 150 of the country’s meanest & fastest powerboats with the fun & energy of Mardi Gras, this year’s Poker Run is sure to be the best one yet! Famous as one of the largest and most popular Poker Run, the Lake Cumberland Poker Run is definitely one of the most exciting events of the year! Be sure to secure your lodging in advance! A full list of Lake Cumberland cabins, hotels & lakeside accommodations can be found at
We want to make this poker run not only the best ever, but also the best in the USA! But we can’t do it without you. We guarantee you’ll be talking about this one for a long time! Click the links below for lots more info! This year we’ll have more boats, more sponsors and more fun! The only thing missing is you! All times are Central Time. For additional information, call the Lake Cumberland State Dock at 270-343-2525.
Friday Night:
The party begins! We will have live entertainment on Friday starting at 8 pm – 12 am.
Can’t forget the hydrolift has been converted to a dance floor in addition to the Party Barges.
9:00 AM Drivers Meeting. Attendance is mandatory for all drivers participating in the Poker Run. You get the 1st Card at the Drivers Meeting.
10:00 AM Lake Cumberland Poker Run. *Watch for details regarding the 2019 Poker Run Course!
After Lunch boats leave at their leisure (no organized start)
6:30 PM Cards must be turned in at State Dock
Saturday Night Entertainment:
8:00 pm a live performer at State Dock
The dance floor will also be in full swing!
Poker Run Pickwick Tn 2019 Football

Where do I Park my boat at State Dock? – The 2 rows normally used for the rental houseboats are not available for public parking. The first row is being utilized as Boatel Row and will have over 40 houseboats (boatels) for the Poker Run participants. The other row is reserved for boats entered in the Poker Run only. You must have a Poker Run Decal on the boat to park on this row. This will be strictly enforced. The other common areas of state dock are available for parking. Along the walk ways, etc. Fuel piers should be kept clear except after the ships store closes and we stop selling fuel. Late at night you can park there. NO SMOKING ON THE FUEL PIERS
What does it cost? – There is no charge to visit the docks and check out all of the incredible boats. Beginning at 6:00 PM a wrist band will be required to enter the boatel and entertainment areas. Wrist bands for both nights entertainment are $30 or $20 for one night.
Poker Run Pickwick Tn 2019 Events
Water Patrol and Law Enforcement: – The law enforcement agencies are always on high alert for the Poker Run. They will be patrolling the harbor on Friday and Saturday nights and normally have patrols and road blocks on Park Road. If you drink, don’t drive. Also, please keep all drinks in a cup or Coozie. Otherwise, you are drawing attention to yourself and asking for trouble.
Kid Friendly? – You must be 21 or accompanied by a parent to enter the boatel row and entertainment area. The parties and entertainment at night are not an appropriate place for children.
Where Should I go to view the Poker Run? – You can view the Poker Run anywhere between Burnside Marina and Grider Hill Marina. The boats will be east of State Dock between 10:00 and 12:00 and West of Wolf Creek after lunch. PLEASE STAY OUT OF THE MAIN CHANNEL and give the Poker Runners a safe area to run. Also, PLEASE KEEP WAKES TO A MINIMUM when boats are in the area. Big cruiser rollers can be dangerous for the Poker Run boats.
Poker Run Pickwick Tn 2019 Schedule
More Information? see